Tuesday, October 28, 2008

More Manor News for Inquiring Minds

Crutchfield Manor the Site of Shortest Recital Ever

Saturday evening the matron hosted a piano recital for her two piano students, Bailee Morrison and Abigail Johnson, and a guest student from the area, Miss Jannae Cox. All three pianists did well and all guests were greatly entertained by the very short recital which probably lasted about 7 minutes. "The refreshments following the event were fantastic!" replied one guest interviewed by our reporter. When asked who made said refreshments, the answer was "Why, the matron, of course."
However, there was an unusual effect caused by the event. Several participants were so awed by the matron that they experienced a rather trance-like state for a split second after seeing her stand by the piano. When young Abby Johnson asked if one day she might be as marvelous as the matron and was told it was probably impossible, she reacted rather violently as you can see in the above photo.
Other entertainment was provided by Morgan Morrison at the end of Miss Johnson's performance in the form of a percussion-type performance of her own.
Monarch Continues His Hectic Schedule

Despite concern from the family, the monarch continued to work his three jobs this week. We here at the Chronicle are amazed by his stamina and dedication to his family in this endeavor. We know it takes a strong man to achieve what he is achieving. He did, however, take one evening off to spend a little time with the matron this week. Our souces claim they spent the evening dining at a local restaurant called "Famous Dave's" which seems appropriate for this couple.

Kittens Abound in the Extended Family

Over the past few weeks, the manor children have adopted two kittens. Tink lives with the Morrison family and Muffie lives with the Musser family. Both kittens are gray and adorable; however, Jeff is convinced that the Musser kitten is more adorable than the Morrison kitten. As of this printing, our staff does not have a picture of the Musser kitten but we are happy to publish this picture of the Morrison kitten for your viewing pleasure.

As you can see, the Morrison kitten is fascinated with noses.

Continuing updates from previous weeks...
As promised in an earlier edition, we have at least one more update from weeks gone by concerning the monarch and matron. This latest in from our Morrison house reporter:
October 11 was the date of the most recent birthday party in the manor family. While all enjoyed the celebration, there were moments when a strange illness lurking in the Morrison house manifested itself. As you can see from the following photographs, the illness caused startling changes in the features of those affected. Of course the matron was not affected as she is not subject to feature-changing illnesses.

Sean and Kim were affected first. Neither was aware of the change in countenance.

Shortly after noticing the symptoms in Sean and Kim, our photographer noticed that Ben had began showing symptoms.

If you look closely in this photo, you can see the beginning of the symptoms affecting the monarch. Even as the children enjoyed the cake, the disease was spreading. Perhaps covering her ears was what saved Morgan from the awful countenence changing affect.

In this photo our photographer captured the face of the monarch as the disease progressed. You can also see that now little Bailee is also suffering symptoms. Fortunately for all this was a very short-lived condition that is showing no continuing side effects.

Literary Contest to Begin Soon
The Chronicle will be sponsering a literary contest soon. Stay tuned for future announcements.
Water Challenge Update
Our inside reporter recently discovered the water challenge between the matron and her daughter Audrey continues on. As of this printing they were still in a tie.
Please send your stories about the monarch family to the editor via the comment section of this edition.

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