Monday, November 3, 2008

A New Month, More Stories from the Manor

Sickness Strikes the Manor
Alas, it is true. The matron is ill with the same cold that her eldest daughter and granddaughters have. Our sources inside the manor have confirmed that she is dealing with this little setback in her usual brave and gracious way. We here at the Chronicle wish her a very speedy recovery.

Ben Delivers Educational Lesson
Not-as-young-as-he-used-to-be Ben Morrison presented a fine lesson at the local congregation Sunday evening on how to teach someone the gospel. His delivery was animated and interesting, and most of the audience could read at least parts of what he wrote on the board because he was kind enough to tell us what it said.

Amazing Amanda Returns from Another Amazing Vacation
Mexico will not be the same now that this amazing young lady has returned from a week's vacation in the impoverished country. Our reporters have not been able to receive any comment from her about her trip, but we are fairly certain that she awed most anyone she met and probably now has an amazing tan.

Trudy Increases Knowledge of Cleaning Tools
Witnesses confirmed that still-young Trudy Musser has again increased her knowledge of various cleaning tools from a quick lesson from the ailing matron. Despite her weakened condition, the matron was willing to answer questions from her youngest daughter on spray nossle education. Being the quick learner she is, Trudy immediately understood the matron's instructions and will now how the cleanest bathroom ever.

The Monarch Leads an Educational Singing
"Outstanding," "Very musical," "What a leader!" were some of the comments that might have been commented following the singing held at the Morrison house on Saturday evening. The purpose of this particular singing was to educate interested members of the congregation in new songs so that those same songs might be led in a worship service and enough people would know how to sing them that it wouldn't sound bad. Those involved made some beautiful music even though many were beginning to succomb to colds. Unfortunately the following Sunday evening, the colds had managed to quiet most of the sopranos and the monarch was disappointed with the result when he led one of the aforementioned songs. We at the Chronicle are sure that once the sopranos have their voices back, the monarch will be satisfied and pleased with the songs. Part of the problem may have been that Amanda was not there to cover for those who could not sing.

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor:
I was so pleased to know the Crutchfield Chronicles is in print again. I thought my subscription had expired because I had not received this excellent publication for years. Please keep up the good work.
A devoted reader.
P.S. I especially enjoy pictures and news about the manor grandchildren.

Dear devoted reader,
We may have received hundreds of letters similar to yours but yours was the most elequent so we chose to print it here. We also enjoy the news and pictures of the manor grandchildren but unfortunately there was not a lot of grandchildren action this week at the manor as they were both sick. We hope to have more news to report next week. Thank you for your continued support.
The Editor


Drama Queens said...

I am lurking and getting caught up on all the inside news!!

The Editor said...

Ah yes. One of the infamous Chronicle lurkers. The Editor welcomes you to the news of the manor. We know you will be amased and awed by the manor family.